Over the Years, for specific needs on my personal projects I develop electronic devices.
Now, I commonly used and know them well, I can combined or adjust them for varied situations.
I can develop and/or construct devices regarding to your need or if you have DIY skills sell PCB and make your own.
8 power output with mosfet transistor, command with OSC protocol, using Teensy and ethernet shield. Allow to control 8 low power (< 60 Volt) electronic device like DC motor, Led strip, Solenoid,...
Same with 4 outputs...
The core set, used to connect with 'child' boards : Teensy 3.2 and ethernet shield
8 power output on usbMidi. Run on by sending Control Change or Note midi message
Allow to power control low voltage device. Simple design but so usefull on many situations...
Node MCU (wifi) and 5 power output. Custom design ask by an artist, made for run on 12v power rail, with regulator
6 circuits that can drive piano strings with OSC protocol
Use for build a magnetic bow